SCI 논문 게재

논문집필과 연구, 끊임없는 발표활동으로 노력하는 전문적인 치과 입니다.

  • Effects of different distalization direction and methods on maxillary total distalization with clear aligners:a finite element study

    - Angel orthodontist. 2023;10.2319/072622-519.1
  • Application of fractal analysis of the midpalatal suture for estimation of pubertal growth spurts. Oral Radiology.

    - 2017;33(3):199–203
  • Correction of Transverse Discrepancy with Slowly Maxillary Expansion by Hyrax Type Expansion in Adult Patient.

    - 대한치과의사협회지. 2017;55(6):400-10
  • Comparison of postoperative changes in the distal and proximal segments between conventional and sliding mini-plate fixation following mandibular setback. Korean J Orthod.

    - 2016;46(6):372-8
  • Quantitative evaluation of midpalatal suture maturation via fractal analysis. Korean J Orthod.

    - 2016;46(5):323-30
  • Differences Among Deviations, Genders, and Observers in the Perception of Eye and Nose Asymmetry. J Oral Maxillofac Surg.

    - 2015;73(8):1606-14.


  • 2023

    • 제 15회 세계 구순구개열학회
      orthodontic and prosthetic treatment of a patient with cleft lip and palate
    • 대한치과교정학회
      Effects of different distalization methods on maxillary total distalization with clear aligners : Finite element study
  • 2018

    • 대한치과교정학회
      Anterior space closure with partial fixed appliance in patient with fibrotic gingival hyperplasia: case report
  • 2016

    • 제1회 부산대학교 치과교정학교실 동문회 학술대회
      비대칭 환자의 악교정 수술 치료 증례
  • 2015

    • 제 74회 일본치과교정학회
      The differences among directions, genders, and observers in the perception of eye and nose asymmetry
    • 부산대학교 치과병원 치주-보존-교정-보존 증례분석모임
    • 제48회 대한치과교정학회
      Non-surgical Rapid Maxillary Expansion in Adult: Case Report and Clinical Suggestion of Evaluating Midpalatal Suture
    • 제48회 대한치과교정학회
      Comparison of Post-Operative Proximal Segment Changes between Conventional Mini-Plate and Sliding Plate after Mandibular Setback
    • 제 34회 전공의 학술대회
      비수술적 상악골 확장을 동반한 골격적 III급 부정교합 환자의 악교정수술 치험례
    • 제 115회 미국교정학회
      Evaluation of midpalatal suture maturation in CBCT with using fractal analysis
    • 부산대학교 치과병원 치주-보존-교정-보존 증례분석모임
      Clinical tips for forced eruption
  • 2014

    • 제 114회 미국교정학회
      Effect of post-orthognathic-surgery condylar axis changes on condylar morphology as determined by 3-dimensional surface reconstruction
    • 제 73회 일본치과교정학회
      Expression of inflammatory cytokines of the fibroblasts in the periodontal tissue under the compression forces
    • 제 73회 일본치과교정학회
      Effect of pyruvate kinase M2 activator on osteoclast differentiation and function


  • 2023

    • 대한치과교정학회 표창장 수상
      부산대학교 우수 논문 발표상 수상